Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Back in school for a month.. thought you guys might want an update

School is back in session! I'm in a marvolous prep class for this trip, every tuesday at 8:00 am. We've been looking at the differences between American and German culture. While we're in Schorndorf we'll be keeping logs of what my proffesor calls 'cultural rich points', times when communication breaks down and there are missunderstandings with our host families. Today my homework assignment is a worksheet on differentiating Stereotypes and Generalizations.

The trip is getting steadily closer and closer, and my little donations thermometer is about to be compleately revamped, 'cause I've lost the link to my original one. I also have a better gestimate of how much this trip will cost. So if it doesn't seem to match up, that's why. I am so excited about this trip. I leave for Schorndorf early January, and I'll be home again in May.

Now I've got to get to my homework, so I'll change that meter and then update again soon (hopefully)


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


A thousand apologies for my complete failure at keeping you all updated! Not that honestly I've had much to blog about, it's been a fairly dull summer.

I've continued working in the corn fields, we're just about finished up out there. I've been informed that I'll have a few odd jobs to help out with but the majority of the team has been let go.

The Countdown Till School has begun! 20 days till class begins. 18 I believe before I move back to campus. Once I'm back this blog should have more to talk about.

The thing is, I don't really know what I'll be doing in Germany. For the most part I know that I'm going with my classmates to a small town in Baden-Württemberg, and that we each live with a host family there. This upcoming semester, and the preparation course I'm taking, should clarify a lot of the goals of the trip (outside of the obvious, learning German).

So as I begin to scurry around, gathering together school supplies, trying to juggle seeing all my friends from high school and working some odd jobs for these last couple of weeks of summer, I figured I'd give you guys some idea about what's going on with me.

As always, never ending thanks to those who have donated and those who intend to, I cannot describe the joy that overwhelms me each time I get an e-mail from paypal telling me that someone has donated!

-Till Next Time!
Avalon :)

P.S. I just got a cheapo laptop to replace my old one (sadly, the screen was destroyed mysteriously in the middle of a school day last semester), and thus I've misplaced the website for my progress bar. I shall go back to my old computer to look this information up as soon as possible, but let it be known that the bar is significantly out of date and a good deal of progress has been made in the past month!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Sorry about the delay in updating, it's been a crazy last couple of weeks here. The corn is really getting going, the full crew is out now. Dad came to visit this past weekend. I HAVE A CAR NOW! This is sooo exciting. Dad drove it out and flew back. Now I'm on the job hunt for a second job in the evenings. (transportation is fabulous) Starting to get some traffic on my music endeavors, and that's mood boosting. Once again thank you to those who have donated. You have no idea how much it means to me. Off to bed! I'll try to be better about updates! :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Thank you! -and an update

I came to the realization that my last post was fairly mean spirited. I think I was having a grumpy day. Thanks tremendously to those who have donated because every little bit helps tremendously and I'm amazed that I've gotten any response at all :)

By way of an update, 'tis payday today and thus I shall be updating my goal meter later this afternoon. It's been wet and mucky so this week was a bit short on work hours however I managed to get some other projects going. I have recently taught myself how to play guitar and I've put together the beginnings of a solo career in music. At least the online star version. I've been working to update my youtube account and started up a myspace page. Planning on putting up a couple of new videos and maybe a song track on the myspace. For anyone interested in checking these out they can be found here (youtube) and here (myspace)

Well, time for work! I'll update the goal meter and probably add some to the myspace when I get back home.

Thank you all!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Well, don't everyone donate at once!

I'm feeling a bit disheartened by the lack of response thus far, but it's still early in the summer, things can get better. Tomorrow is pay day! yay! :) I'm exhausted from work today, but I've managed to find a second job opportunity to cover rain days doing some computer filing work. In case no one noticed I've added a percent completed meter so everyone can see how close I'm getting. I'm considering offering some incentives to donate, anyone have any ideas? Feel free to comment with them! Thank you all for reading!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hello World! My name's Avalon and I will be in my third year of college this coming year! I'm a German major and next year is a big year for me. Spring semester my school runs a study abroad trip to Germany. Unfortunately, I'm finding that money is rather tight and I'm worried about how I'm going to manage to get there. I'm working hard out in the cornfields, 10 or so hours a day tromping around ( I live in Iowa so.. corn), but I live in a single parent household and my corn job barely covers my normal school costs. So I figured I'd try an experiment and find out how generous those on the internet are and ask for your donations. I'll keep you all up to date as the summer progresses! :)
Thanks all!!